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Mikhaleva L.M.

Research Institute of Human Morphology, Moscow, Russia

Boltovskaya M.N.

Research Institute of Human Morphology, Moscow, Russia

Mikhalev S.A.

Center for Family Planning and Human Reproduction, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia

Babichenko I.I.

Russian University of People’s Friendship, Moscow, Russia, 117198

Vandysheva R.A.

Research Institute of Human Morphology, Moscow, Russia

Endometrial dysfunction caused by chronic endometritis: сlinical and morphological aspects


Mikhaleva L.M., Boltovskaya M.N., Mikhalev S.A., Babichenko I.I., Vandysheva R.A.

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To cite this article:

Mikhaleva LM, Boltovskaya MN, Mikhalev SA, Babichenko II, Vandysheva RA. Endometrial dysfunction caused by chronic endometritis: сlinical and morphological aspects. Russian Journal of Archive of Pathology. 2017;79(6):22‑29. (In Russ.)

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