Searching for drug and non-drug modalities for the rehabilitation of patients with the post-COVID syndrome is an urgent public health challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hyperbaric oxygenation is a promising method as a part of complex rehabilitation after COVID-19 due to its antihypoxic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticoagulant effects.
To study the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation as a part of comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation on clinical and functional parameters in COVID-19 convalescents.
The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on clinical and functional parameters of 45 COVID-19 convalescents was studied: 22 males and 23 females aged 40—60 years. Patients were divided into three groups of 15 subjects each, depending on the CT stage of COVID-associated pneumonia (CT-0, CT-1, and CT-2—3).
Patients in group 3 (CT-2—3) were on average in the older age group, had a higher body weight and a higher percentage of fat mass according to bioimpedance measurements, compared to the other groups. Most clinical-functional and laboratory parameters in this group were within normal or subnormal ranges. In addition, high cholesterol levels (total cholesterol 6.5±1.2 mmol/L) and subnormal levels of C-reactive protein (9.3 mg/L) were noted in group 3 patients. After comprehensive rehabilitation, an increase in the distance walked in the 6-minute walking test with a significant trend in the CT-0 (467.9±37.7→531.5±44.3 m; p<0.01) and CT-1 (533.9±74.3→570.1±57.8 m; p<0.05) groups was observed. A significant decrease in norepinephrine level in the group of COVID-19 convalescents with CT-2—3 (Δ 13%), and a decrease in glutathione peroxidase in all three groups (6465.0±1637.3→5101.0±1353.3, 6587.8±1919.3→5418.1±1289.7, 7699.5±1747.9→6620.1±1702.1 units/L in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; p<0.05) were recorded.
The use of hyperbaric oxygenation in comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation of COVID-19 convalescents was associated with benefits, given the improvement of functional parameters, laboratory signs of limiting low-grade inflammation, sympathoadrenal activity, and oxidative stress.