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Badtieva V.A.

Rossiĭskiĭ nauchnyĭ tsentr vosstanovitel'noĭ meditsiny i kurortologii Minzdravsotsrazvitiia, Moskva

Pavlov V.I.

State Autonomous health care institution «Moscow scientific and practical center of medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine», Moscow Health Department, Moscow, Russia

Khokhlova M.N.

State Autonomous health care institution «Moscow scientific and practical center of medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine», Moscow Health Department, Moscow, Russia

Pachina A.V.

State Autonomous health care institution «Moscow scientific and practical center of medical rehabilitation, rehabilitation and sports medicine», Moscow Health Department, Moscow, Russia

The application of bioresonance therapy for the correction of the overtrained athlete syndrome


Badtieva V.A., Pavlov V.I., Khokhlova M.N., Pachina A.V.

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To cite this article:

Badtieva VA, Pavlov VI, Khokhlova MN, Pachina AV. The application of bioresonance therapy for the correction of the overtrained athlete syndrome. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy. 2018;95(6):51‑57. (In Russ.)

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