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Markova M.V.

Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center, Kirov, Russia

Alekseeva N.N.

Rossiĭskiĭ nauchno-prakticheskiĭ tsentr audiologii i slukhoprotezirovaniia FMBA Rossii, Moskva, Rossiia 117513;
Kafedra surdologii RMAPO Minzdrava Rossii, Moskva, Rossiia 123995

On the necessity of standardization of the objective methods for the study of the hearing function in the children presenting with acute inflammatory diseases of the middle ear at the level of the outpatient treatment


Markova M.V., Alekseeva N.N.

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To cite this article:

Markova MV, Alekseeva NN. On the necessity of standardization of the objective methods for the study of the hearing function in the children presenting with acute inflammatory diseases of the middle ear at the level of the outpatient treatment. Russian Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology. 2014;(2):73‑74. (In Russ.)

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