To study the content of CD178 monocytes and CD178 lymphocytes in peripheral blood of women with gestational diabetes mellitus, first trimester pregnancy termination, and history of habitual abortion.
A prospective evaluation was conducted to examine the course and outcome of pregnancy in 100 pregnant women with a history of threatened early miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage. The study group (1) comprised 50 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus in the first trimester of pregnancy. The comparison group (2) consisted of 50 women without gestational diabetes mellitus in the first trimester of pregnancy. A clinical and laboratory examination was carried out, and the relative numbers of CD178 monocytes and CD178 lymphocytes were estimated by flow cytometry.
The age of women in the main group was found to be 32.5 [28.3; 35.8] years, whereas that in the comparison group was 29 [26; 32] years (p=0.014). Gestational diabetes mellitus in the main group patients was diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy at 7.3±1.2 weeks’ gestation. Blood glucose levels were corrected by diet in all patients. The history of Ureaplasma spp. (10% and 0 in Groups 1 and 2, respectively; p=0.033) and Cytomegalovirus (100 and 86% in Groups 1 and 2, respectively; p=0.006) infections were more common in the study group. Analysis of pregnancy course and outcome showed a higher frequency of pre-eclampsia in the study group women (8% and 0 in Groups 1 and 2 respectively; p=0.01), and a higher incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage in neonates (16 and 2% in Groups 1 and 2 respectively; p=0.036). Immunological examination in the main group of women showed a higher content of monocytes expressing CD178+ molecules in comparison with the control group (35.9±7.0 and 31.2±7.1%, respectively; p=0.005).
Gestational diabetes mellitus leads to a complicated pregnancy course, abnormalities in the newborn. An increase in the relative number of CD178+ monocytes was detected in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus, threatened early miscarriage, and a history of recurrent miscarriage.