The use of polychemotherapy (PCT) in individual oncological patients causes complications, of which results of impact on cardiovascular system are the most severe.
To assess the dynamics and interrelation of lipid profile parameters, structural-functional (SF) indicators of arterial vessels condition in patients with lymphomas and different severity of cardiovasculotoxic (CVT) risk in addition to PCT courses, containing anthracycline antibiotics (AA).
The study included 40 patients with new-onset lymphoproliferative disease. All patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the initial CVT risk: the 1st group (n=20) — low/intermediate CVT risk; the 2nd group (n=20) — high/very high CVT risk. All patients underwent laboratory and instrumental examination before and after the three courses of PCT containing AA, including the determination of lipid levels and parameters of SF vessels condition. Non-invasive methods were used to assess the SF condition of vessels: finger photoplethysmography (PPG) and computer videocapillaroscopy (CVC).
A statistically significant increase in total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoproteins, very-low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides levels have been revealed in patients of the 1st group after three courses of AA-containing PCT. Patients of the 2nd group have shown statistically significant increase only in TC level. According to PPG and CVC data, progression of SF disorders at all levels of the vascular bed has been noted in patients of both groups. Nevertheless, SF disorders were less pronounced in patients of the 2nd group.
There is an initial endothelial dysfunction in patients with lymphoproliferative disease, which is progressively worsening with polychemotherapy, mostly in patients without cardioprotective therapy. The progression of endothelial dysfunction, increase in the level of proatherogenic lipids and their relationship with the course of polychemotherapy containing anthracycline antibiotics may indicate the development of early asymptomatic vasculotoxicity when applying this group of drugs. Further studies on a larger sample of patients are needed.