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Belash S.A.

Kraevaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1 im. S.V. Ochapovskogo;
kafedra kardiokhirurgii i kardiologii FPK i PPS, Kubanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ meditsinskiĭ universitet, Krasnodar, Rossiia

Barbukhatti K.O.

Kraevaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1 im. S.V. Ochapovskogo;
kafedra kardiokhirurgii i kardiologii FPK i PPS, Kubanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ meditsinskiĭ universitet, Krasnodar, Rossiia

Kaleda V.I.

Krasnodarskaia kraevaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1 im. prof. S.V. Ochapovskogo, Tsentr grudnoĭ khirurgii, kardiokhirurgicheskoe otdelenie #2;
Kubanskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ meditsinskiĭ universitet, Krasnodar

Sorokina A.A.

Kuban State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health, Chair of Cardiac Surgery and Cardiology, Krasnodar, Russi

Porkhanov V.A.

Research Institute — Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1;
Kuban State Medical University

Left ventricular decompression in critical aortic stenosis and severely reduced ejection fraction


Belash S.A., Barbukhatti K.O., Kaleda V.I., Sorokina A.A., Porkhanov V.A.

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To cite this article:

Belash SA, Barbukhatti KO, Kaleda VI, Sorokina AA, Porkhanov VA. Left ventricular decompression in critical aortic stenosis and severely reduced ejection fraction. Russian Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2017;10(1):11‑16. (In Russ.)

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