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Karelov A.E.

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Kosorukov V.S.

N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology Ministry of Health of Russia

Kraevskaya Yu.N.

ZAO «Sotex» PharmFirm

Buyanova S.N.

Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Petrakova S.A.

Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Klimashevich A.V.

Penza Regional Hospital after NN Burdenko

Filimonov V.B.

Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University

Gorelov V.P.

North-West District Research Clinical Center named after L.G. Sokolov of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency

Syrovatskiy A.A.

North-West District Research Clinical Center named after L.G. Sokolov of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency

Belyaeva N.A.

Private Institution of Healthcare «Clinical hospital «RZhD-Medicine» of the citi Smolensk» (PIH «CH «RZhD-Medicine» of Smolensk»)

Alexandrov M.I.

City Clinical Hospital Twenty Four Moscow City Healthcare Department

Rodoman G.V.

City Clinical Hospital Twenty Four Moscow City Healthcare Department;
N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Effectiveness of the new peptide analgesic Tafalgin in the treatment of postoperative pain


Karelov A.E., Kosorukov V.S., Kraevskaya Yu.N., Buyanova S.N., Petrakova S.A., Klimashevich A.V., Filimonov V.B., Gorelov V.P., Syrovatskiy A.A., Belyaeva N.A., Alexandrov M.I., Rodoman G.V.

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To cite this article:

Karelov AE, Kosorukov VS, Kraevskaya YuN, et al. . Effectiveness of the new peptide analgesic Tafalgin in the treatment of postoperative pain. Russian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimatology. 2023;(6):75‑83. (In Russ.)

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