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Alekseeva L.I.

Nasonova Scientific Research Institute of Rheumatology;
Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education

Barulin A.E.

Volgograd State Medical University

Bakhtadze M.A.

Scientific Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology;
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

Davydov O.S.

Scientific Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Devlikamova F.I.

Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of the Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Professional Education

Kalinsky P.P.

Far Eastern Federal University

Kukushkin M.L.

Scientific Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology

Kurushina O.V.

Volgograd State Medical University

Minasov T.B.

Bashkir State Medical University

Sarvilina I.V.

Medical Center «Novomedicine»

Churyukanov M.V.

Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University);
Petrovsky Russian Scientific Center of Surgery

Disease-modifying therapy and adjuvant support in complex therapy of chronic non-specific low back pain. Resolution of the Multidisciplinary Board of Experts


Alekseeva L.I., Barulin A.E., Bakhtadze M.A., Davydov O.S., Devlikamova F.I., Kalinsky P.P., Kukushkin M.L., Kurushina O.V., Minasov T.B., Sarvilina I.V., Churyukanov M.V.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Journal of Pain. 2024;22(3): 108‑116

Views: 423

Downloaded: 24

To cite this article:

Alekseeva LI, Barulin AE, Bakhtadze MA, et al. . Disease-modifying therapy and adjuvant support in complex therapy of chronic non-specific low back pain. Resolution of the Multidisciplinary Board of Experts. Russian Journal of Pain. 2024;22(3):108‑116. (In Russ.)

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