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Zamoshchina T.A.

Siberian State Medical University;
National Research Tomsk State University

Gostyukhina A.A.

Siberian Federal Science Clinical Center of Federal Medicobiological Agency

Doroshenko O.S.

Siberian Federal Scientific Clinical Center of Federal Medicobiological Agency;
Tomsk State University

Zaitsev K.V.

Siberian Federal Science Clinical Center of Federal Medicobiological Agency

Yartsev V.V.

Siberian Federal Science Clinical Center of Federal Medicobiological Agency;
National Research Tomsk State University

Prokopova A.V.

Siberian Federal Science Clinical Center of Federal Medicobiological Agency

Zhukova O.B.

Siberian Federal Science Clinical Center of Federal Medicobiological Agency

Speciality of restoring the psychophysiological parameters of laboratory rats with the help of balneological procedures during the periods of equinox


Zamoshchina T.A., Gostyukhina A.A., Doroshenko O.S., Zaitsev K.V., Yartsev V.V., Prokopova A.V., Zhukova O.B.

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To cite this article:

Zamoshchina TA, Gostyukhina AA, Doroshenko OS, Zaitsev KV, Yartsev VV, Prokopova AV, Zhukova OB. Speciality of restoring the psychophysiological parameters of laboratory rats with the help of balneological procedures during the periods of equinox. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy and Exercise Therapy. 2022;99(6):42‑49. (In Russ.)

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