To study features of anatomical and morphometric parameters of the structures of anterior eye segment in young patients with moderate and high hyperopia in order to identify the signs of an increased risk of developing primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) and its acute attack.
The study included 160 eyes (80 patients) with axial length (AL) of less than 23 mm. Patients with moderate or high hyperopia were divided into two groups according to their age ranges (the 1st — 27 patients (54 eyes) under 40 years old; the 2nd — 27 patients (54 eyes) of 41—50 years old, the comparison group — 26 patients (52 eyes) of 42—50 years old with the initial stage of PACG. AL of the eyes, anterior chamber (AC) depth in the central zone, lens thickness (LT) in the optical zone were measured using IOL Master 700 («Carl Zeiss Meditec AG», Germany). AC volume and peripheral AC depth were measured using rotating Scheimpflug camera Pentacam («Oculus», Germany).
While the average values of AL in patients of the 1st and 2nd groups were comparable, a statistically significant decrease in AC depth and a significant increase in LT were revealed in the 2nd group. There was a statistically significant increase in LT, a decrease in peripheral AC depth and AC volume in the comparison group relative to the 2nd group. In the 1st group: in 2 eyes of one 38-year-old patient the maximum proximity of all 3 indices to the median values of the group of patients with PACG was found; in 4 eyes of two other patients (35 and 38 years old), a combination of small AC volume with increased LT or small AC volume with small AC on the periphery was noted.
Significant differences in terms of LT, peripheral AC depth and AC volume were found between age-comparable (41—50 years old) healthy individuals with short eyes and patients with initial PACG. In 11% of the eyes of healthy patients with hyperopia aged 21 to 40 years, there was a combination of two or three of the studied morphometric signs, which may indicate the risk of developing PACG.