Purpose — to determine the values of central corneal thickness (CCT) in children depending on the level of intraocular pressure (IOP) and the stage of congenital glaucoma (CG).
Clinical studies were carried out in the eye department of the clinic at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. The study involved 18 patients (36 eyes) aged 9 to 11 years (mean age 9.3±1.6 years) with confirmed diagnosis of CG. All patients underwent basic ophthalmologic examination prior to surgical and conservative treatment. In addition to basic methods, axial eye length and CCT were determined using an automatic non-contact tonometer/pachymeter manufactured by NIDEK (USA).
Analysis of the obtained data showed that in initial, moderate and advanced stages of glaucoma, the CCT values were significantly lower than the age norm values. This indicates stretching of the fibrous capsule and thinning of the cornea in glaucoma. In terminal stage CG, the CCT values practically did not differ from the age norm, but were higher than in initial, moderate and advanced stages of the disease. The noted thickening of the corneal membrane in terminal stage may be explained by edema of the corneal tissue as a result of elevated IOP.
The age norm values of CCT should be taken into account when characterizing the severity of glaucomatous process in children. Compared to the age norm, the cornea is significantly thinner in children aged 9 to 11 years with initial, moderate and advanced stages of CG, and becomes significantly thicker in terminal stage, which is associated with edema caused by elevated IOP.