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Stanoevich I.V.

Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii #1 lechebnogo fakul'teta

Zemliakova V.V.

Laboratoriia molekuliarnoĭ genetiki cheloveka NII molekuliarnoĭ meditsiny Pervogo moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. I.M. Sechenova

Fen I.

Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii #1 lechebnogo fakul'teta

Abrokova B.S.

Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii #1 lechebnogo fakul'teta

Zaletaev D.V.

Laboratoriia molekuliarnoĭ genetiki cheloveka NII molekuliarnoĭ meditsiny Pervogo moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo universiteta im. I.M. Sechenova

Abnormal methylation of a number of genes in endometrial hyperplasia in the presence of chronic endometritis


Stanoevich I.V., Zemliakova V.V., Fen I., Abrokova B.S., Zaletaev D.V.

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To cite this article:

Stanoevich IV, Zemliakova VV, Fen I, Abrokova BS, Zaletaev DV. Abnormal methylation of a number of genes in endometrial hyperplasia in the presence of chronic endometritis. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2012;12(1):20‑23. (In Russ.)

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