The necessity to increase efficacy of healthcare resources use, including human resources, makes it urgent to study new organizational technologies for the provision of primary health care (PHC) as the basis of healthcare system in the Russian Federation. There has been growing interest in studying institutional technologies of brigade form of labor organization in recent years.
To justify the possibility for implementing of brigade form of labor organization in medical site when providing PHC to adults.
The data analysis of №30 «Information about medical organization» federal statistical observation form was conducted in the Russian Federation for the period from 2017 to 2021 yrs., regulatory legal acts, governing the organization of PHC provision and nursing staff activity, were studied, content analysis of articles on problems of PHC management and introduction of new institutional technologies was performed. Analytical, statistical and content analysis methods were used.
The analysis of statistical data shows that the lack of staff remains in the Russian Federation. The coverage of staff positions by district physicians has increased on 3%, and by general practitioner (family physicians) has reduced on 2.6%, while the number of doctors in concerning districts was also insufficient — 80.5 and 79.3%, respectively. The article shows the dynamics of senior and nursing staff number, providing the PHC to adults, the coverage by subjects per 10 thous. of correlative population, the staff completeness by subjects, the provision of medical sites by medical personnel for the period from 2017 to 2021 yrs. in the Russian Federation. Currently, the available human resources of PHC cannot completely provide accessibility and realization of necessary health care amounts, and the situation in certain medical organization may differ from the situation in the country in general. Optimally developed, organized and functioning PHC system, which is oriented to provide high quality service, may satisfy the majority needs of patients. Thus, PHC plays an important role in improving access to health care. The transition to brigade form of labor organization may facilitate a more effective use of available human resources.
Increasing primary health care availability for population is possible by both extensive (raising medical personnel amount) and intensive (introduction of new institutional technologies with existing human resources) ways. The second option seems more promising, as it does not require lag time, additional financial costs, and allows to fully consider all regional features.