According to official statistics around 30% of the world’s population suffers from anemia and 3.6 billion people suffer from latent iron deficiency. In the Russian Federation in 2019 the incidence of anemia was 1103.7 cases per 100.000 of population. The incidence of anemia in the Volga Federal Region RF and the Republic of Bashkortostan exceeds the all-Russian indicator by 2.0 and 1.6 times, respectively. Timely intake of iron-containing medicinal drugs (IMD) is important; its prescription is carried out by doctors of different specializations.
Comparative analysis of the IMDs used in the medical care accordingly to various regulatory documents and presented on the modern pharmaceutical market in Russia.
In the research the following methods were used: content analysis of official statistics on the incidence of anemia, ICD-10, 284 standards for primary health care and 514 standards for specialized medical care, the State Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation; a survey of medical specialists and pharmaceutical workers in the period 2017—2018; economic and statistical tools (grouping and comparison method); graphical construction.
It was revealed that today only 7 international non-patented names (INN) of IMDs are included in 19 standards of primary health care and 6 INN — in 56 standards of specialized medical care. In the clinical guidelines for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia for adults and children there are 9 INNs for oral administration and 3 INNs for parenteral use. It was found that the pharmaceutical market for iron preparations increased 1.4 times over the period from 2014 to 2019. The usage completeness of the iron-containing drugs’ range in the medical care in comparison with registered drugs on the Russian pharmaceutical market is 47.4% by the number of international non — generic names, 62.4 and 72.1% — by the number of trade names with and without the form of release, respectively. Low awareness of medical and pharmaceutical workers was established in relation to 86.7% of the range by the number of international non-generic names.
Study results indicate the need to review and update the standards of medical care subject to the development of the Russian pharmaceutical market and the conduct of information work among medical workers and in-house training of pharmaceutical workers in relation to the modern range of iron-containing drugs.