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Karchevskaia K.V.

KKhO #4 FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii" Minzdrava Rossii, Penza

Evdokimov M.E.

Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery under Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 440071, Penza, Russia

Chernogrivov A.E.

KKhO #4 FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii" Minzdrava Rossii, Penza

Artem'ev N.N.

KKhO #4 FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii" Minzdrava Rossii, Penza

Nevvazhaĭ T.I.

KKhO #4 FGBU "Federal'nyĭ tsentr serdechno-sosudistoĭ khirurgii" Minzdrava Rossii, Penza

Specifics of artificial circulation and selective cerebral perfusion in regimen of normothermia in newborns and 1-year old children during correction of complex congenital heart diseases combined with aortic arch anomalies


Karchevskaia K.V., Evdokimov M.E., Chernogrivov A.E., Artem'ev N.N., Nevvazhaĭ T.I.

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To cite this article:

Karchevskaia KV, Evdokimov ME, Chernogrivov AE, Artem'ev NN, Nevvazhaĭ TI. Specifics of artificial circulation and selective cerebral perfusion in regimen of normothermia in newborns and 1-year old children during correction of complex congenital heart diseases combined with aortic arch anomalies. Russian Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2013;6(3):83‑89. (In Russ.)

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