Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment on arteriovenous angiodysplasia of the head and neck. Material and methods. We undertook the retrospective analysis and assessed the results of the treatment of 31 patients presenting with arteriovenous angiodysplasia of the head and neck. Twenty five patients had the macrofistulous and 6 microfistulous forms of this condition. He topography and angioarchitectonics of the lesions were clarified with the use of duplex vascular scanning, ultrasound examination of soft tissues, computed and magnetic resonance tomography, echocardiography, and angiography Thirty one patient underwent a total of 57 surgical interventions. Twelve of them were managed using multi-step X-ray endovascular occlusion (XEO) followed by resection (14 embolization sessions and 16 resections). Preoperative superselective embolization was considered to be mandatory whenever possible. The angiomatous tissues were removed in 25 patients (after XEO in 12 cases and without preceding embolization in 13 patients). Plastic closure of the wound surface with a perforated cutaneous flap was performed in the majority of the patients. In two cases autodermoplastic treatment with the use of a free perforated cutaneous flap was used. In 4 patients, the wound surface was closed with a cellulo-cutaneous flap (5 operations). Three patients underwent plastic surgery on the lower/upper lip, five on the auricle (9 operations), and two on the upper/lower eyelid. XEO alone was performed in the cases when radical surgery was impracticable because of extensive lesion (6 patients, 10 sessions). Results and discussion. Arteriovenous angiodysplasia on the face and the neck is an absolute indication for the surgical treatment. Its principal purpose must be maximal resection of the affected tissue. The multidisciplinary approach is mandatory with the participation of various specialist and the application of a wide spectrum of diagnostic and treatment modalities. Conclusion. The main principle of the treatment is the combination of endovascular occlusion of the arteries involved in the formation of arteriovenous angiodysplasia followed by the resection of angiomatous tissues.