An observation describing a clinical case of aspiration of a foreign body into the intermediate bronchus in an 8-year-old boy is presented. The symptoms of bronchial obstruction in the child were initially regarded as clinical manifestations of acute obstructive bronchitis, on an outpatient basis, according to the recommendations of a pediatrician at the place of residence, the child underwent inhaled anti-inflammatory and broncholytic therapy, against which the clinical manifestations of bronchial obstruction persisted, in connection with which the parents independently turned to the Clinic’s reception department, where, with careful collection of anamnesis, it was found that the disease began after a child swallowed a plastic object while playing without adult supervision and control, which I found on the street. The boy had never told anyone about this before. The lack of effect from the therapy, as well as the presence of the fact of aspiration dictated the need to expand and continue the diagnostic search, and therefore the child was hospitalized in a Clinic, where a bronchoscopy was performed on the 4th day, according to the results of which, a foreign body (a plastic part from a toy) in the form of a disk was found in the lumen of the right bronchus in the area of the intermediate trunk, with a diameter of up to 5 mm, partially overlapping the lumen of the bronchus. On the 9th day from the moment of hospitalization, the boy was discharged in a satisfactory condition under the supervision of a pediatrician at his place of residence.