Objective — to investigate the long-term results of surgical treatment for genital prolapse after midline colporrhaphy and colpopexy, by simultaneously applying the Prolift + M anterior and posterior prostheses, as well as patients’ subjective attitude towards performed surgery and their assessment of quality of life. Subject and methods. The investigation enrolled 41 patients had been surgically treated in 2010 to 2012. Group 1 included 21 female patients who had undergone vaginal extraperitoneal colpopexy, by simultaneously using the Prolift + M anterior and posterior synthetic prostheses; Group 2 consisted of 20 patients who had midline colporrhaphy using the Neugebauer—Le Fort technique. The surgical outcomes were assessed 2—4 years postsurgery. A specialized urogynecological Pelvic Floor Distress Inventor Questionnaire containing 20 items (PFDI-20) was used to assess the patients’ subjective attitude toward surgical results. Results. In Groups 1 and 2, the patient’s mean age at the time of surgery was 62.85 and 71.3 years, respectively. The patients most frequently complained of vaginal foreign body sensation (90% in Group 1 and 95% in Group 2), urinary incontinence during physical activity (38 and 40% respectively), overactive bladder symptoms (38 and 65%), and difficulty urinating (43 and 40%). It was ascertained that both techniques yielded satisfactory functional results, but each had disadvantages and advantages. A higher risk for recurrent genital prolapse and long-term mesh-related complications due to MESH-vaginopexy necessitates an improvement of materials used and methods for their fixation in tissues. At the same time, the disposition of the walls of the vagina and adjacent organs, which was created during Neugebauer—Le Fort midline colporrhaphy, increases the risk of stress incontinence. Conclusion. Individual choice of an operative procedure in view of the age and sexual activity of a female patient, assessment of risk factors for these or those complications, and also a clear explanation to women about the nature and extent of forthcoming treatment assist in reducing the number of complications and achieving the best results in the treatment of patients with genital prolapse.