Along with the indicators of life expectancy and mortality, birth rate is an equally important demographic issue. The reproductive attitudes of the population of fertile age form their reproductive behavior and therefore serve as the basis for the reproductive function realization.
To study gender differences in the basic reproductive attitudes of young people.
The survey was conducted using a convenience sample method outside medical organizations in a settlement with a population of about 100 000 people (Kineshma urban district, Ivanovo region) in 2019 yr. Respondents were 324 persons aged between 18 and 30 years (42.3% — men and 57.7% — women). The analysis of results was carried out using descriptive statistics and non-parametric research methods to identify differences between gender groups.
Children are an important part of the future family for modern young men and women, most of them understand that reproductive health is the responsibility of both partners in a greater degree (nym=90; 65.7% and nyw=26; 67.5%). There is a lack of awareness about the issues of reproductive behavior and reproductive health preservation. The distribution of respondents’ opinions about the optimal age of sexual relationship begging (18—25 years: nym=87; 63.5% and nyw=127; 67.4%), values of young people related to reproductive attitudes, sources of information, and also about contraception has been analyzed. In the opinion of the vast majority of respondents, the basis of sexual culture should be introduced in family (nym=83; 60.6% and nyw=127; 67.9%), with the participation of parents and healthcare professionals. Nevertheless, communication in social networks is also important for respondents of both sexes (1st and 2nd rank places), which determines the value of this resource for educational activity.
The main priorities of young people in the field of reproductive behavior and gender differences in reproductive attitudes have been determined. The necessity of educational and preventive programmes for youth in the field of reproductive health has been substantiated.