The problem of primary health care accessibility as an important component of the satisfaction of quality of medical care assessment by people indicates the need for a comprehensive approach in territorial planning, taking into account climatic, geographical, infrastructural, social, demographic and other regional features, as well as the availability of medical personnel. Regional differences define the need for the development of a network of medical organizations in settlements with special types and forms of settlement pattern, as well as the preservation of existing network considering the upgrading of facilities and human capacity.
To develop schemes for assessing the accessibility of primary health care in territorial planning.
The data of constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District on population and its transport providing, data of form of Federal Statistical Monitoring №30 «Information about medical organization» of constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District on the resource base of medical organizations for 2021 yr. were analyzed. Content analysis was conducted, statistical method and modeling were applied.
Schemes for assessment of the accessibility of primary health care in territorial planning have been developed. It is proposed to form a list of measures for inclusion in relevant development programmes at the regional level when assessing the impact of factors on the accessibility of healthcare facilities. In addition, special attention should be paid to healthcare facilities that do not correspond to the placement parameters regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In this case, additional analysis of criteria for assessing the need for «preservation» of existing medical organizations and their structural units is required.
The application of a comprehensive approach to the assessment of the placement of medical organizations, considering various criteria, allows to develop optimal schemes for the performance of medical organizations and their structural units providing primary health care, and to assess the needs for «preservation» of existing medical organizations and their structural units, which do not correspond to the placement parameters, regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.