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Nedogoda S.V.

Volgograd State Medical University

Salasyuk A.S.

Volgograd State Medical University

Zefirova T.P.

Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Drobinskaya A.N.

Regional Perinatal Centre «State Regional Clinical Hospital»

Mukhametova R.R.

Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch of Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Davydov I.M.

PHI «Clinical Hospital «Russian Railways-Medicine» of Novosibirsk»

Umansky M.N.

State Budgetary Institution Rostov Region «Perinatal center»

Bartsits M.K.

State Budgetary Institution Rostov Region «Perinatal center»

Pharmacoepidemiologic features of iron deficiency anemia in obstetric and gynecologic practice and clinical and economic feasibility of using ferric carboxymaltose for its correction


Nedogoda S.V., Salasyuk A.S., Zefirova T.P., Drobinskaya A.N., Mukhametova R.R., Davydov I.M., Umansky M.N., Bartsits M.K.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Journal of Human Reproduction. 2024;30(3): 65‑76

Views: 420

Downloaded: 1

To cite this article:

Nedogoda SV, Salasyuk AS, Zefirova TP, et al. . Pharmacoepidemiologic features of iron deficiency anemia in obstetric and gynecologic practice and clinical and economic feasibility of using ferric carboxymaltose for its correction. Russian Journal of Human Reproduction. 2024;30(3):65‑76. (In Russ.)

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