To improve the treatment methods of patients with venous malformations of the maxillofacial region.
We carried out the treatment analysis of 63 patients with a diagnosis «head and neck venous malformation». The diagnosis was based on the main examination methods: interrogation, anamnesis, examination, functional tests (symptom of filling and compression, Valsalva’s test), color flow mapping ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. All patients with venous malformations underwent 3% Aethoxysklerol microfoam composition (obtained by L. Tessari method) sclerotherapy.
Results evaluation were conducted considering clinical examination, color flow mapping ultrasound, CT and MR images. Excellent clinical result was achieved in 52 patients (82%), good result — in 8 patients (13%), satisfactory — 3 patients (5%). The treatment of patients with head and neck venous malformations using Aethoxysklerol microfoam composition sclerotherapy can be considered as an independent method of treating patients with head and neck venous malformations.
Aethoxysklerol microfoam composition sclerotherapy is an effective and safe method of treatment of patients with head and neck venous malformations. Given the high efficiency, low invasiveness, minimal risk of complications the above-mentioned type of treatment should be considered as the first-line choice of treating patients with this pathology in the maxillofacial region.
Contribution of Authors:
Concept and design of the study — A.Yu. Drobyshev, O.Z. Topolnitsky, L.V. Voznitsyn, S.D. Arutyunov
Data collection and processing — O.Z. Topolnitsky, L.V. Voznitsyn
Statistical processing of the data — T.M. Dibirov
Text writing — T.M. Dibirov, L.V. Voznitsyn
Editing — L.V. Voznitsyn