Determine the influence of the anatomical features and sizes of the lateral pocket with a defect on the choice of surgical access and the quality of the performed plastics.
A retrospective analysis of computed tomograms of 38 patients who underwent surgical treatment at the Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery of the Ministry of Health of Russia about defects of the skull base in the area of the lateral pocket of the sphenoid sinus. The patients were divided into three groups depending on the approach used (the 1st group), the recurrence rate (the 2nd group), and the characteristics of intraoperative visualization of the defect (the 3rd group).
There were no statistically significant differences in anatomical features in patients who underwent trans-pterygoid and transsphenoidal approaches, as well as in patients of the 2nd group. Patients of the 3rd group (with visualization features) showed statistically significant differences between the distance from the defect to the VR line (p=0.007). In patients with good visualization of the defect using direct optics, this distance was shorter than in patients in whom the defect was visualized with an angled endoscope. No other anatomical differences were noted.
The anatomical features of the lateral pocket structure (type of pneumatization, size and volume) did not affect the choice of access to the defect and the frequency of recurrence. When comparing the approaches, it was noted that the trans-pterygoid access, providing direct visualization of defects, minimizes the risk of recurrence in the postoperative period. An objective anatomical indicator for choosing an access to the defects of the lateral pocket can be the distance from the defect to the VR line: at a distance of more than 0.7 cm, it is advisable to perform a trans-pterygoid approach; at a distance of less than 0.7 cm, it is possible to achieve direct visualization of the defect and perform high-quality plastic surgery with a transsphenoidal access.