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Korotkikh N.G.

Kafedra khirurgicheskoĭ stomatologii i cheliustno-litsevoĭ khirurgii

Ol'shanskiĭ M.S.

Voronezhskaia oblastnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1

Stepanov I.V.

Kafedra khirurgicheskoĭ stomatologii i cheliustno-litsevoĭ khirurgii

Mashkova T.A.

Kafedra otorinolaringologii Voronezhskoĭ gosudarstvennoĭ meditsinskoĭ akademii im. N.N. Burdenko MZ RF

Nerovnyĭ A.I.

Kafedra otorinolaringologii Voronezhskoĭ gosudarstvennoĭ meditsinskoĭ akademii im. N.N. Burdenko MZ RF

Panchenko I.G.

Voronezhskaia oblastnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1

Ovsiannikov Iu.M.

Voronezhskaia oblastnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1

Ovsiannikov K.M.

Voronezhskaia oblastnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa #1

The multidisciplinary approach to diagnostics and treatment of hypervascular masses in ENTstructures


Korotkikh N.G., Ol'shanskiĭ M.S., Stepanov I.V., Mashkova T.A., Nerovnyĭ A.I., Panchenko I.G., Ovsiannikov Iu.M., Ovsiannikov K.M.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology. 2013;78(5): 44‑47

Views: 1881

Downloaded: 32

To cite this article:

Korotkikh NG, Ol'shanskiĭ MS, Stepanov IV, et al. . The multidisciplinary approach to diagnostics and treatment of hypervascular masses in ENTstructures. Russian Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology. 2013;78(5):44‑47. (In Russ.)

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