When the lens swells, a liquefied lenticular substance that increases intralenticular pressure accumulates in the lens bag making it difficult to perform standard capsulorhexis. Thus, determination of the intralenticular pressure value is of great importance for safe intumescent cataract phacoemulsification. Purpose: to develop a technology for intralenticular pressure measurement in patients with intumescent cataract and to construct a mathematical model for its prognosis according to preoperative examination data. Material and methods. Intralenticular pressure was measured in 11 eyes with intumescent cataract. Before that, the following parameters of the anterior compartment of the eye were examined: anterior chamber depth, lens thickness according to ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), hypoechogenic layer (the anterior layer of liquefied lenticular masses), equatorial angle. Results. The intraoperative technology of the intralenticular pressure measurement was developed. The direct dependency between thickness of the swelling lens, hypoechogenic layer value (the anterior layer of liquefied lenticular masses), anterior chamber depth and intralenticular pressure magnitude was defined. Conclusion. For the first time, the intraoperative intralenticular pressure was measured in patients with intumescent cataract. A dependency was defined between the thickness of the lens and the anterior layer of liquefied lenticular masses, anterior chamber depth, and intralenticular pressure magnitude; based on this, a mathematical model for intralenticular pressure measurement was constructed.