Objective — to assess the role of gene expression of the estrogen receptors (ER) (mER, ERα, and ERβ) and progesterone receptors (PR) (mPR, PGRmC1, PR-A, and PR-B) in the occurrence of endometrial proliferative processes (EPPs) (simple and atypical endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma) in postmenopausal patients to address the issues of their management tactics. Subject and methods. Examinations were made in 53 patients with EPPs: hyperplasia without atypia (n=7), hyperplasia with atypia (n=6), moderate-grade adenocarcinoma (n=31), and low-grade adenocarcinoma (n=9). A control group consisted of 29 patients with endometrial fibroglandular polyps (EFGPs). The endometrial tissue expressions of the mER, ERα, ERb, mPR, PGRmC1, PR-A, and PR-B genes were determined by a real-time polymerase chain reaction assay in the study and control groups. Results. The endometrial expressions of the ERβ, mPR, PR-A, PR-B receptor genes were higher in endometrial hyperplasia with and without atypia than those in EFGPs in the control group. The expression of ERα in the tissue of adenocarcinoma and endometrial hyperplasia with atypia was significantly lower than that in the control group. The expressions of ERα, ERβ, PGRmC1, PR-A, PR-B in the tissue of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia were higher than that in moderate-grade and low-grade adenocarcinoma. The expression of mPR in the tissue of endometrial hyperplasia without atypia was significantly higher than that in moderate-grade adenocarcinoma, as well as the expression of PGRmC1 and PR-A was higher than that in adenocarcinoma. Conclusion. The findings open up new opportunities in investigating the potential personalized use of not only progestagens, but can also, possibly, aromatase inhibitors that are more commonly administered in ER-positive endometrial adenocarcinoma. Treatment choices depend on the individual ER/PR expression ratio in the removed hyperplastic endometrium without atypia. Free full text in English on web-site: https://www.mediasphera.ru/journal/rossijskij-vestnik-akushera-ginekologa