Introduction. The functional aspects of rhinoplastic are a serious problem and despite a favorable cosmetic result can cause patient dissatisfaction. Aim of study — determination of clinically significant disorders of architectonics of the nasal cavity at patients with congenital and acquired deformities of the external nose. Materials and methods. We examined 418 patients, which were divided into 2 groups: the main group — 224 patients who complained of deformation of the external nose and difficulty in nasal breathing; control group — 194 patients without disturbance of nasal breathing. All patients underwent a survey, which included: an assessment of the aesthetic parameters of the external nose; assessment of intranasal structures according to endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and CT of the paranasal sinuses; assessment of the respiratory function of the nose, which was performed using the method of anterior active rhinomanometry (AARM) Results. At patients with deformity of the terminal part of nose it was statistically significant (OR = 2.26; 95% CI 1.16–6.72), that changes in the nasal valve zone of varying severity were observed along with contralateral hypertrophy of anterior end of the lower nasal concha. With deformations of the osteocartilaginous skeleton, 98.6% (OR = 2.19; 95% CI 1.32-6.98) of the patients had a curvature of the nasal septum in the cartilaginous section, and at 75.7% of patients had a curvature of the bones section. With combined deformations in the cartilaginous and bone parts, changes in the intranasal structures were more often recorded in the following areas: in the nasal valve — in 62.5% of cases, curvature of the nasal septum in the cartilaginous section — in 77.7% of cases, in the bone section — in 63.5%, pathology of anterior end of the inferior nasal concha — in 65.4% of cases. Conclusion. The main intranasal predictors at patients claiming aesthetic surgery for the nose and not complaining of a disturbance of nasal breathing are: the area of nasal valve, the front end of lower nasal concha and the nasal septum.