To develop a classification of indicators and measures of national and federal projects in healthcare implemented in the Russian Federation in 2019—2024.
The following materials were used: regulatory legal acts; passports of 13 federal projects; results of federal projects. There were two stages in our study: 1) extraction of indicators and activities from project passports; 2) classification analysis of indicators and activities of all federal projects, integration of indicators and activities into homogeneous groups.
We analyzed 88 indicators and 86 activities in 13 federal projects. Fourteen homogeneous groups of indicators were identified. The largest number of indicators (17) were classified as indicators of medical care accessibility. There were 13 homogeneous types of federal project activities. The largest number of activities (n=22 or 25.58% of all activities of federal projects) are various types of organizational and methodological support and coordination. The largest shares are typical for measures providing financial support for medical care through direct subventions to compulsory medical insurance fund (809.6 billion rubles or 44.8% of financial support for activities of all federal projects).
Indicators and activities of federal projects are characterized by high heterogeneity. Various types of organizational and methodological support and coordination clearly dominate. These results can be taken into account when forming a portfolio of federal projects in healthcare for the period 2025—2030 as a part of balancing the number and types of activities and indicators, as well as for even distribution of financial support.