Aim. Investigation of clinical-diagnostic, surgical and morphological features of cardiac pseudotumors. Material and methods. Acad. B.V. Petrovskiy Russian Research Center for Surgery has experience ofsurgical treatment of 336 patients with cardiac pseudotumors followed from December 1962 to December 2014. Morphologically verified primary cardiac tumors were diagnosed in 269 (80.1%) patients. In this study it was analyzed the results of survey and treatment of 67 patients with cardiac pseudo-tumors who were under observation in institution since February 1970 to December 2014. There were 36 men and 31 women aged 2.2—74 years (mean age 34.1±2.1 years). Results. Overall 1- and 24-year survival without hospital mortality according to Kaplan—Meier test was 100 and 94.3% respectively. Patients’ life quality in the remote period significantly improved. Good postoperative results were obtained in 62.8% of cases, satisfactory — in 31.4% of patients, unsatisfactory — in 5.8% of survivors. Medical tactics in patients with morphologically unidentified cardiac neoplasms (29.9%) was determined by their small sizes (0.4—1 cm), absence of displaceability followed by risk of embolic syndrome, homogenous echogenicity and clear outlines, absence of hemodynamic disorders and clinical manifestations. Conclusion. Analysis showed that timely diagnosis of pseudo-tumors and morphologically unidentified cardiac neoplasms is very difficult. Successful operations require normothermic or hypothermic perfusion and pharmaco-cold cardioplegia to provide convenient exposure and adequate myocardial protection, prevention of neoplasm fragmentation with following embolism, correction of concomitant valve diseases, congenital heart diseases and coronary heart disease.