Objective. To improve the results of choledocholithiasis and stenosis of duodenum major duodenal papilla (DMDP) treatment through the use of antegrade mono- and bipolar papillosphincterotomy (APT). Materials ad methods. The results studied in 256 patients diagnostics and treatment with complicated gallstone disease (GSD). Solution performed in 132 patients with choledocholithiasis through the endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPT) before or after laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCE). Antegrade (mono- or bipolar) papillosphincterotomy performed in 124 patients during of LCE. Results. Antegrade mono- and bipolar papillotomy feasible in 99.25% of cases, allows to less traumatic resolve the identified benign pathology of the extrahepatic bile duct and DMDP with one stage during laparoscopic cholecystectomy and feasible even with strictures, intradiverticular location of DMDP, acute pancreatitis, and minimizes the possibility of complications such as bleeding, perforation, pancreatitis (p<0.05). Conclusion. Antegrade mono- and bipolar papillotomy feasible in virtually 100% of cases, allows to minimally invasive and safe resolve the identified benign pathology of the extrahepatic bile ducts and the major duodenal papilla once during the laparoscopic cholecystectomy, while avoiding unnecessary and multistage switching to open surgery (conversion, which is according to the literature ranges from 5 to 10%). It is feasible, even in cases where the impossible or contraindicated endoscopic papillotomy: stricture, intradiverticular location of the major duodenal papilla, acute pancreatitis.