Despite advances in modern abdominal surgery about 18—25% of patients with suspected progressive postoperative peritonitis undergo reoperations that are performed with delay and 4—17% of patients undergo causeless reoperations. Integrated application of laboratory and radiologic diagnostic techniques (ultrasound, CT, traditional and special X-ray) are also not less informative in early recognition of postoperative peritonitis. As a consequence, majority of Russian and foreign surgeons recommend relaparoscopy «on demand» in these group of patients. However, relaparoscopy in the standard version is difficult as drainage tubes make abdominal cavity leaky; furthermore, intense pneumoperitoneum in this group of patients often leads to impaired central hemodynamics, cardiac and respiratory function. Lifting relaparoscopy using multifunctional pneumoobturators on isopneumatic regimen is one of the promising area, additional use of fixing «taped» in the zone of intestinal anastomosis is needed in cases of resection of the small intestine. In the clinic of hospital surgery of the Volgograd State Medical University from 2009 to 2013 in 24 patients with various acute surgical diseases, complicated by diffuse peritonitis, and with suspicion on progression of postoperative peritonitis, diagnostic relaparoscopies «on demand» with application of proposed methods were performed. The developed methods of relaparoscopy allowed safely and effectively visualize all parts of the abdominal cavity in dynamics, fastly and safely inspect the line of enteroenteroanastomosis and avoid needless relaparotomies in 25% of cases, in elderly and senile patients significantly reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and respiratory system complications.