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Byval'tsev V.A.

otdel neĭrokhirurgii i ortopedii Nauchnogo tsentra rekonstruktivnoĭ i vosstanovitel'noĭ khirurgii Sibirskogo otdeleniia RAMN;
NUZ Dorozhnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa OAO "RZhD", Irkutsk

Sorokovikov V.A.

Nauchnyĭ tsentr rekonstruktivnoĭ i vosstanovitel'noĭ khirurgii Sibirskogo otdeleniia RAMN, Irkutsk;
GBOU DPO "Irkutskaia gosudarstvennaia meditsinskaia akademiia poslediplomnogo obrazovaniia"

Belykh E.G.

otdel neĭrokhirurgii i ortopedii Nauchnogo tsentra rekonstruktivnoĭ i vosstanovitel'noĭ khirurgii Sibirskogo otdeleniia RAMN

Egorov A.V.

NUZ "Dorozhnaia klinicheskaia bol'nitsa" OAO RZhD, Irkutsk

Khokhlova E.A.

Nauchnyĭ tsentr rekonstruktivnoĭ i vosstanovitel'noĭ khirurgii Sibirskogo otdeleniia RAMN, Irkutsk

Comparative analysis of long-term results of microsurgical, endoscopic and endoscopically assisted discectomies for lumbar intervertebral disc hernia


Byval'tsev V.A., Sorokovikov V.A., Belykh E.G., Egorov A.V., Khokhlova E.A.

More about the authors

Journal: Endoscopic Surgery. 2012;18(3): 38‑46

Views: 837

Downloaded: 21

To cite this article:

Byval'tsev VA, Sorokovikov VA, Belykh EG, Egorov AV, Khokhlova EA. Comparative analysis of long-term results of microsurgical, endoscopic and endoscopically assisted discectomies for lumbar intervertebral disc hernia. Endoscopic Surgery. 2012;18(3):38‑46. (In Russ.)

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