Currently, chronic salpingo-oophoritis (CS) is still an urgent problem in the statistics of diseases of the female genital organs. In 35% of women, its course leads to disorder of the fallopian tubes patency and infertility. An additional indirect mechanism of infertility can be the morpho-functional failure of the endometrium.
To establish the morphofunctional characteristics and level of endometrial receptivity in patients of reproductive age with CS before and after surgery.
The study included 55 patients with unilateral or bilateral tubectomy — 1st group, 42 with preserved fallopian tubes — 2nd group. The comparison group included 30 somatically healthy fertile women. Before and 6—12 months after laparoscopic cystectomy aspiration biopsy of endometrium was performed in the middle stage of secretory phase. Firstly, the phase and stage of menstrual cycle, the percentage and degree of maturity of pinopodes were determined. Secondly, the immunohistochemical study was conducted with the assessment of the expression level of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors in glands and stroma of endometrium.
In the 1st group before surgery, we determined a decrease in the number of mature pinopodia. A decrease in ER in the endometrial stroma was detected; PR levels correlated with the comparison group. In 2nd group all parameters were associated with healthy women. In the postoperative period, pinopodia were not visualized in the majority of patients in 1st group. ER levels remained reduced in stroma, similar results were found for PR. In 2nd group an insignificant decrease in the number of mature pinopodia on the apical surface of the endometrium, a reduction of ER in the glands and stroma of the uterine mucosa were recorded; PR corresponded to the values founded before surgical treatment.
The presence of CS and subsequent removal of the fallopian tubes is accompanied by indirect damage of the morpho-functional state and receptivity of the endometrium.