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Pakhomova N.A.

Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Borisenko T.E.

Krasnov Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Roshchin S.V.

Krasnov Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Bursov A.I.

Ivannikov Institute for System Programming

Kravchik M.V.

M.M. Krasnov Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Novikov I.A.

Krasnov Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Avetisov S.E.

Krasnov Research Institute of Eye Disease;
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Features of accumulation of chemical elements in the volume of the lens in senile cataract


Pakhomova N.A., Borisenko T.E., Roshchin S.V., Bursov A.I., Kravchik M.V., Novikov I.A., Avetisov S.E.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Annals of Ophthalmology. 2023;139(1): 35‑45

Views: 1218

Downloaded: 29

To cite this article:

Pakhomova NA, Borisenko TE, Roshchin SV, Bursov AI, Kravchik MV, Novikov IA, Avetisov SE. Features of accumulation of chemical elements in the volume of the lens in senile cataract. Russian Annals of Ophthalmology. 2023;139(1):35‑45. (In Russ.)

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