Aim. To determine the safest and the most effective surgical treatment of patients with cicatricle stenosis of tracheolaryngeal segment via analysis of different approaches. Material and methods. For the period 1963—2015 at Petrovsky Russian Research Center for Surgery and Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 1128 patients with cicatricle tracheal stenosis have been treated. There were 683 men and 445 women. 684 (60.6%) patients were young and the most employable (21—50 years). All patients were divided into 2 groups depending on time of treatment: the first one included 297 patients between 1963 and 2000, the second group — 831 patients between 2001 and 2015. In group 1 tracheolaryngeal anastomosis was made in 10 (16.9%) out of 59 patients who underwent tracheal resection. Previously indication for this surgery was cicatricle stenosis of cervical trachea and larynx with upper borderline of cicatricle changes at least 2 cm from vocal folds. In group 2 these procedures were more frequent. 94 (28.5%) out of 330 patients underwent tracheolaryngeal resection. Cranial borderline of lesion was within 0.5 cm from the vocal folds (only if posterior laryngeal wall at the level of cricoid cartilage was intact). Difficult patients are those who need for double-level or redo repair and procedures with tracheostomy. Results. In the second group overall morbidity after tracheal resections followed by anastomosis was 5.6%. These complications were more common after tracheolaryngeal anastomosis (17%). There were no lethal outcomes after 94 tracheolaryngeal resections. Good long-term results were observed in 89.8% of patients after circular resection. Their quality of life was similar to that of healthy people. Preserved cicatricle tracheal segments during tracheal repair with T-shaped airway tube adversely affects quality of life in these patients in long-term period.