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Boldyrev S.Yu.

Research Institute — Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1;
Kuban State Medical University

Bezdenezhnykh O.S.

Kuban State Medical University

Marukyan M.A.

Kuban State Medical University

Alukhanyan O.A.

Kuban State Medical University

Barbukhatti K.O.

Research Institute — Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1;
Kuban State Medical University

Aortic root reinforcement using the «Florida Sleeve» technique and partial arch replacement in aortic insufficiency and rupture of the borderline dilated aorta


Boldyrev S.Yu., Bezdenezhnykh O.S., Marukyan M.A., Alukhanyan O.A., Barbukhatti K.O.

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To cite this article:

Boldyrev SYu, Bezdenezhnykh OS, Marukyan MA, Alukhanyan OA, Barbukhatti KO. Aortic root reinforcement using the «Florida Sleeve» technique and partial arch replacement in aortic insufficiency and rupture of the borderline dilated aorta. Russian Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2024;17(6):691‑694. (In Russ.)

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