The article presents a clinical observation of broncholithiasis of the intermediate bronchus on the right, as an accidental finding, in patient Sh. 49 years old. On admission, the patient complained of coughing up sputum, recurrent chest pains, shortness of breath, wheezing. Diagnosis upon referral: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). From the anamnesis it was found that during the last two years the patient was hospitalized for pneumonia three times, there were no clear indications of foreign body aspiration. According to the results of plain chest X-ray: no inflammatory changes in the lung tissue were found. Moderately expressed manifestations of emphysema, radicular pneumofibrosis. The roots of the lungs are poorly structured with calcifications. The result of primary fibrobronchoscopy (FBS): Susp. cancer of the right lung. Obturation of the middle left bronchus on the right; a foreign body of the right lung is not excluded. Biopsy results: the submitted fragments are represented by structureless basophilic crumbly mass. MSCT of the chest organs: broncholithiasis of the intermediate bronchus on the right, complicated by fibroatelectasis of the lower lobe and secondary bronchiectasis. According to the results of repeated FBS: the middle lobe bronchus on the right was obturated with a foreign body. The foreign body is removed using a petal grab. The patency is restored. The patient was discharged from the hospital, noting a significant improvement in his general condition. The patient himself did not remember the obstruction.