Objective. Demonstration of the possibility of intraluminal endoscopy in the treatment of tumor trachea stenosis complicated by severe respiratory failure. Materials and methods. This article presents a clinical case of successful tracheal stenting in a 67-year-old patient with a diagnosis of: Central cancer of the lower lobe of the right lung pT2N2M0 G2 IIIst. Subcompensated trachea stenosis. Condition after combined treatment. Progression. Metastases in the trachea. Chronic respiratory failure. Results and discussion. Cancer of the lungs, bronchi and trachea is one of the leading localizations in the structure of oncological diseases. Stenotic tumors of the trachea are of particular difficulty. Tracheal stenosis, accompanied by acute respiratory failure, is the most difficult problem in view of the extremely severe patient condition. The main method of treatment of oncological diseases of the respiratory system today is surgery, however, operations are performed in no more than 15—20% of cases. This is due primarily to late diagnosis, as well as the identification of a large number of contraindications. The main reason for the late diagnosis is good adaptability to the gradual narrowing of the trachea. Under these conditions, endoscopic stenting of the trachea is a promising (and often the only possible) method for restoring airway patency. Stenting can be used in various ways: as palliative care, in combination with chemo-, radiation or photodynamic therapy, as well as in preparation for surgical treatment. Conclusion. Endoscopic trachea stenting in patients with inoperable cancer accompanied by severe respiratory failure is an effective way to restore the lumen of the organ to ensure normal breathing of the patient.