Goal. To choose, based on the overview of the literature publications, the pharmacoeconomic methods for the analysis of the consequences of the inclusion of the new pancreatic enzyme supplement Creon Micro into the limiting lists and of its extensive application for the purposes of cystic fibrosis therapy. Material and methods. The literature sources were searched for in the bibliographical databases MEDLINE (through Pubmed interface), Google Scholar and Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI, elibrary.ru). Estimation of the number of patients that could be treated with Creon Micro was made from the age distribution patterns of the patients in the Russian register of cystic fibrosis, dosages were taken from the guidelines and prices from the essential medicines list and drug store databases. Results. The pancreatin preparations have a long history of application, but for a long time their adequate standardization and verification of the effectiveness have been lacking due to absence of the properly organized clinical trials for marketing authorization. The literature analysis has demonstrated that there are currently three pancreatin preparations on the Russian market that were tested in clinical studies, with most experience having been gained in the Kreon application. Under these conditions, the most adequate methods of analysis would be minimization of the costs and the analysis of the burden on the budget. It was shown that the most important variables determining the cost of the treatment are dosing precision and the presence (or the absence) of waste. The budget impact analysis showed that, under different assumptions, waste from the incomplete use of the opened capsules could lead to the 1.5—3.0 mln rubles higher expenses compared with that in the case of their waste-free utilization. If opened capsules are not stored, the costs for a group of the children below 2 years of age will amount to 8.98 mln rubles per year. In contrast, the use of more precisely dosed Creon Micro may decrease the costs to 5.91 mln rubles per year which is equivalent to an economy up to 34.2%. Conclusion. The results of the evaluation of the cost of the Creon Micro-based therapy allow to conclude that the introduction into the clinical practice of the new pancreatic enzyme supplement Creon Micro will not lead to an increase of budgetary expenses for the Russian Federation that strongly depend on the ratio of application of Creon 25 000 and Creon 10 000 as well as on the market share of the Ermital preparation and its unit cost. On the other hand, the prevention of possible losses after opening capsules containing Creon 10 000 and Creon 25 000 could lead to a significant economy by potentially decreasing the total cost of the treatment, especially for the group of the patients under 2 years of age.