There is a high prevalence of osteoporosis (OP) among patients of the older age undergoing rehabilitation. Therefore, it is obvious that physicians working in the field of physical and rehabilitative medicine should be well oriented in this medical problem.
To study the relevance of the OP problem for physicians working in the field of physical and rehabilitation medicine, their awareness of the main methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of OP, as well as the frequency of using these methods in daily clinical practice.
A cross-type study was carried out using a questionnaire survey. The study included 157 doctors (male 34, female 123) of 8 medical specialties working in 27 specialized medical institutions on the profile of «medical rehabilitation» or «spa treatment». The questionnaire for doctors consisted of 21 items of special questions.
90.45% of doctors considered the problem of OP is relevant for their clinical activities, 100% of respondents indicated that the presence of OP significantly affects the rehabilitation prognosis, 95.54% — the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation. According to the respondents the patients with OP cover 30.0% of total patients flow on average. 145 (92.36%) doctors noted that they know the OP risk factors, 155 (98.73%) — methods for OP diagnosing, 108 (68.79%) — methods for OP treatment, 126 (80, 25%) — methods for OP prevention, 74 (47.13%) — FRAX. 55 (35.01%) respondents identified their level of awareness on the OP problem as sufficient for managing patients with this pathology. Diagnostic procedures for OP were recommended by all interviewed endocrinologists (100%), most of traumatologists-orthopedists (72.73%), obstetricians-gynecologists (66.67%) and cardiologists (64.28%), as well as on average 1/2 (50%) neurologists and therapists. OP treatment was mainly performed by endocrinologists (100%), obstetricians-gynecologists (66.67%) and therapists (60%). 32.48% of physicians in the study sample have ever referred their patients to a densitometry and the diagnosis of OP was established in 80.25% of cases on the basis of bone densitometry data.
The problem of OP is relevant for the clinical practice of doctors working in the field of rehabilitation and balneology medicine; the presence of OP significantly affects the prognosis and effectiveness of medical rehabilitation. The results of the study demonstrated the need to expand the availability of OP diagnostics methods in rehabilitation and balneology organizations, as well as the need to raise awareness of the OP problem among specialists working in this area.