Impulse low-frequency magnetotherapy is a modern method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including osteoarthritis. The effectiveness of the therapeutic effect largely depends on the biotropic characteristics of the magnetic fields — the type of magnetic field, induction, frequency, pulse shape, exposure, exposure zone. Aim of study — to conduct a comparative analysis of effectiveness of applying various modes of magnetotherapy using an impulse low-frequency magnetic field in patients with osteoarthritis. Materials and methods. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial included 262 patients with grade II—III knee osteoarthritis according to the Kellgren-Lawrence classification. The 1st group included 56 patients who received local magnetic therapy on the knee using a running pulsed magnetic field (RPMF) — 20 mT, frequency 6.25 Hz, exposure time 20 min. The 2nd group included 99 patients who were exposed to a magnetic field using a combination of modes: 5 days — an impulse magnetic field (IMF) with induction of 2 mT, frequency of 100 Hz, then RPMF mode — 20 mT, frequency of 6.25 Hz, duration 20 min, number of procedures — 12. The third group included 97 patients who received placebo-magnetotherapy on the knee joint area. When analyzing the results, the VAS (100 mm) and WOMAC scales were used, as well as the subjective assessment of the treatment results by patients (5-point scale). Results. A pronounced symptom-modifying effect of magnetotherapy (according to VAS and WOMAC) was established in the form of a decrease in the severity of pain in patients with gonarthrosis (p<0.01). There was a significant improvement in pain and stiffness indices, as well as functional characteristics (WOMAC), more pronounced in patients who received a combined regime of exposure to a magnetic field (p<0.01). The use of magnetotherapy using various modes is safe for patients and does not cause serious adverse events. Conclusion. The application of magnetotherapy equipment, which allows the use of various biotropic characteristics of magnetic field, is an effective and safe technology for treatment of patients with osteoarthritis.