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Parshikov M.V.

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Delegatskaya St., 20, p. 1, Moscow, 127473, Russia

Bardyugov P.S.

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Delegatskaya St., 20, p. 1, Moscow, 127473, Russia;
Vidnoe regional clinical hospital, Zavodskaya str., 15, Vidnoe, 142700, Russia;
Endocrinology Research Centre, 11, Dm. Ulyanova street, Moscow, 117036, Russia

Galstian G.R.

FGBU "Éndokrinologicheskiĭ nauchnyĭ tsentr", Moskva

Yarygin N.V.

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Delegatskaya St., 20, p. 1, Moscow, 127473, Russia

Golovchak V.M.

Vidnoe regional clinical hospital, Zavodskaya str., 15, Vidnoe, 142700, Russia

Bakunov M.Yu.

M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Scientific Research Clinical Institute, Moscow, Russia

Surgical correction of foot deformities as a method for prevention and treatment of diabetic foot syndrome


Parshikov M.V., Bardyugov P.S., Galstian G.R., Yarygin N.V., Golovchak V.M., Bakunov M.Yu.

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To cite this article:

Parshikov MV, Bardyugov PS, Galstian GR, Yarygin NV, Golovchak VM, Bakunov MYu. Surgical correction of foot deformities as a method for prevention and treatment of diabetic foot syndrome. N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2018;(3-4):47‑57. (In Russ.)

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