The objective of the present study was to determine the anthropometric parameters of the external nose in a Kazakh population for the subsequent elaboration of the algorithms of and approaches to the planning of ethnic-specific rhinoplasty. The study included 500 ethnic Kazakhs (197 women and 303 men) at the age varying from 16 to 25 (mean 20.6±3.5) years. The following parameters were calculated; the height and the width of the nose, nasal index, lobular index, nasolabial angle, nasal projection index, projection and rotation of the tip of the nose. It was found that the nasal index in male and female Kazakhs was 80.8±0.53 and 79.4±3.17 respectively which corresponds to mesorhinia and is more characteristic of the Europeoid race. The nasofrontalindex in men andwomen was 138.94±5.71 ad 130.1±8.25 degrees respectively. Rotation of the tip of the nose in men was 78.45±2.24 degrees in men and 73.92±4.32 degrees in women. Goode’s nasal projection index was 57.25±4.36%. The nasal tip projection was estimated at 67.9±5.21 and 76.72±4.17 in men and women respectively. It is concluded based on the results of the present study that noses in Kazakh men and women have certain specific masculine and feminine anthropometric features making them different from the typical «Asiatic» noses because some of their proportions are more characteristic of the Europeoid race. The height of the nose in the Kazakhs is lowest among the three races. It indicates that the main concern as regards rhinoplasty in the Kazakh population is the dorsal augmentation. The present study provided the reference information on the parameters of the external nose in the Kazakh population that may be of value not only in terms of reconstructive and aesthetic rhinosurgery but also for the purpose of forensic medical and other expertises.