Attempts to find clinical application for esthesiometry are associated with studying sensitivity disorders that occur in various diseases (diabetes mellitus, keratitis of various etiologies, corneal erosion, dry eye syndrome), as well as after surgical interventions. Purpose — to evaluate the influence of the tear film on the results of direct assessment of corneal sensitivity. Material and methods. The study was conducted in a group of 20 healthy volunteers. Criteria for inclusion in the group: absence of any ocular and general systemic diseases in the anamnesis, normal indicators of tear production and stability of the tear film according to Schirmer and Norn tests. The process of testing involved a specially designed device that was used to exert a dosed force by jets of air on the frontal corneal surface and the pressure was recorded at the moment of tactile sensations and at the breakup time of tear film, as an indicator of its biomechanical stability. Results. A strong correlation have been found between the pressure of the air stream at the moment of getting tactile sensations and at the breakup of the tear film (R=0.91, p=0.0094). The obtained data indicate that the biomechanical resistance of the lacrimal film is a significant factor preventing the correct assessment of the results of direct corneal esthesiometry in the range of values close to conditionally normal sensitivity. Conclusion. In this regard, in their current technical implementation, modern esthesiometers can only be used for monitoring (not for diagnosis!) of pathological processes by analyzing relative (compared to each other) — rather than absolute — sensitivity measures (optimally in combination with analysis of the structural changes in the corneal nerves based on laser confocal microscopy).