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Grusha Ia.O.

NII glaznykh bolezneĭ RAMN, Moskva

Rizopulu É.F.

GBOU VPO "Pervyĭ Moskovskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ meditsinskiĭ universitet im. I.M. Sechenova" Minzdrava RF

Fedorov A.A.

Moskovskiĭ oblastnoĭ NII akusherstva i ginekologii

Novikov I.A.

Institute of Cardiology named after A.L. Myasnikov of National Medical Research Center for Cardiology, Moscow, Russia

Sdobnikova L.E.

FGBU "NII glaznykh bolezneĭ" RAMN

Modified meibography in malignant eyelid tumors of epithelial origin


Grusha Ia.O., Rizopulu É.F., Fedorov A.A., Novikov I.A., Sdobnikova L.E.

More about the authors

Journal: Russian Annals of Ophthalmology. 2019;135(5): 141‑149

Views: 1154

Downloaded: 230

To cite this article:

Grusha IaO, Rizopulu ÉF, Fedorov AA, Novikov IA, Sdobnikova LE. Modified meibography in malignant eyelid tumors of epithelial origin. Russian Annals of Ophthalmology. 2019;135(5):141‑149. (In Russ.)

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