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Myachikova V.Yu.

I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Maslyansky A.L.

V.A. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Shliakhto E.V.

FGBU "Tsentr serdtsa, krovi i éndokrinologii" im. V.A. Almazova Minzdrava Rossii, Sankt-Peterburg

Lapin S.V.

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, Russia, 197022, St. Petersburg, St. Leo Tolstoy 6/8

Novikova A.N.

V.A. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Trishina I.N.

V.A. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Vorob’eva O.A.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosia, Nizhni Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, 603005

Fionik A.M.

I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Grozov R.V.

V.A. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Gurkov A.S.

V.A. Almazov North-West Federal Medical Research Center, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Coexistence of pulmonary sarcoidosis and primary Sjögren’s syndrome


Myachikova V.Yu., Maslyansky A.L., Shliakhto E.V., Lapin S.V., Novikova A.N., Trishina I.N., Vorob’eva O.A., Fionik A.M., Grozov R.V., Gurkov A.S.

More about the authors

Journal: Therapeutic Archive. 2016;88(3): 89‑92

Views: 2601

Downloaded: 420

To cite this article:

Myachikova VYu, Maslyansky AL, Shliakhto EV, et al. . Coexistence of pulmonary sarcoidosis and primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Therapeutic Archive. 2016;88(3):89‑92. (In Russ.)

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