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Kerimova E.A.

Ural Research Institute of Maternity and Infancy Care, Ministry of Health of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Putilova N.V.

FGBU "Ural'skiĭ nauchno-issledovatel'skiĭ institut okhrany materinstva i mladenchestva" Minzdrava Rossii, Ekaterinburg, Rossiia

Kinzhalova S.V.

Ural Research Institute of Maternity and Infancy Care, Ministry of Health of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Chistiakova G.N.

FGBU "Ural'skiĭ nauchno-issledovatel'skiĭ institut okhrany materinstva i mladenchestva", Ekaterinburg

Changes in innate and adaptive immunity indicators in the fetuses with hemolytic disease caused by Rh incompatibility, who have undergone a single intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion


Kerimova E.A., Putilova N.V., Kinzhalova S.V., Chistiakova G.N.

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To cite this article:

Kerimova EA, Putilova NV, Kinzhalova SV, Chistiakova GN. Changes in innate and adaptive immunity indicators in the fetuses with hemolytic disease caused by Rh incompatibility, who have undergone a single intrauterine intravascular blood transfusion. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2018;18(1):15‑18. (In Russ.)

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