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Agadzhanova E.A.

kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii FUV Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo klinicheskogo instituta im. M.F. Vladimirskogo

Novikova S.V.

Moskovskiĭ oblastnoĭ NII akusherstva i ginekologii

Malinovskaia V.V.

NII épidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N.F. Gamalei, Moskva

Kushch A.A.

NII virusologii im. D.I. Ivanovskogo RAMN, Moskva

Tsibizov A.S.

NII virusologii im. D.I. Ivanovskogo RAMN, Moskva

Cherniavskaia L.V.

Tsentral'naia gorodskaia bol'nitsa g. Stupino Moskovskoĭ oblasti

To the diagnosis and therapy policy in pregnant women with herpesvirus infection


Agadzhanova E.A., Novikova S.V., Malinovskaia V.V., Kushch A.A., Tsibizov A.S., Cherniavskaia L.V.

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To cite this article:

Agadzhanova EA, Novikova SV, Malinovskaia VV, Kushch AA, Tsibizov AS, Cherniavskaia LV. To the diagnosis and therapy policy in pregnant women with herpesvirus infection. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2011;11(4):56‑58. (In Russ.)

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