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Gambaryan M.G.
National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine
Monitoring and evaluation of tobacco control policies: International practices. Part 1. Evaluation of tobacco control measures based on the World Health Organization statistics and population studies
Journal: Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2023;26(6): 22‑29
Views: 755
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To cite this article:
Gambaryan MG. Monitoring and evaluation of tobacco control policies: International practices. Part 1. Evaluation of tobacco control measures based on the World Health Organization statistics and population studies. Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine.
2023;26(6):22‑29. (In Russ.)
Tobacco smoking is a global problem, and the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) aims to overcome it worldwide. The extent to which policy and legislative measures can contribute to reducing the prevalence of tobacco smoking, tobacco-related morbidity and mortality can be determined by systematically monitoring and evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of tobacco control measures. The world has accumulated extensive experience in assessing the effectiveness of tobacco control policies. This series of three articles summarizes the international experience in assessing anti-smoking policies in the world based on the WHO statistics (Part 1), population studies (Parts 1, 2), the research results using predictive models, and methodologies of natural experiments (Part 3). This article presents international experience in assessing the implementation of the WHO FCTC measures based on WHO statistics and the results of population studies, which summarize the experience of assessing legislative measures to ban smoking in public places and tax pricing policies.
Gambaryan M.G.
National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine
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